
Posts Tagged ‘TBN’

Are you looking for more ways to engage and help your clients?  Are you looking to keep your clients and gain nothing in return except to keep them?  If you are a professional and you are exploring different ways to keep and maintain clients, then the next time you are at your clients office…ask them if they have any other “pain points” you can fill…watch their eyes light up!

TBN MAX has 3 major benefits, but none are greater than “client retention”.  In general MAX would not be looked at as a way of keeping your clients, but as a way to locate them more often.  But MAX helps you leverage relationships to keep them too!

Client retention is just as important as “new” business development.  Keeping clients for a longer period of time reduces the cost of marketing and the cost of closing new business overall.  This will help with budgeting for the coming years when you know your income can become steadier.  Client retention comes from a high level of trust in your products and services AND in you as a person who cares about them and their growth, not just your fees and sales.  The way you build this trust is simply this; when your client needs something you don’t offer, you can reach out to your sales team to fill the need.  Your client trusts you, you show yourself to be someone who cares about their business success, not just whether they buy your product or services, so this will keep them around for the long run.


Clayton Hicks




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